Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Post

Hey crazy cats! This is the blog in which I will post all of the research I make as I study the flexibility and permeation of media, especially sound; and most specifically how it is understood and the aspects of it that are unappreciated.

To accomplish this I will be going on calculatedly random walks throughout the city and recording, both graphically and aurally, the parts of the soundscape that so often escape notice. Or even more interestingly, the parts that were designed to be illusive*. Think of it as Audio-Civil Unengineering. That's what I tell my parents I'm doing anyway...

* This misspelling was unintentional, but I think I like the concept of illusory sound almost more than that of elusory sound. Now if only I can work in allusory sound I think I'll have my homophones covered.

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